INLS 490-154: Introduction to Information Retrieval System Design and Implementation

Fall 2008. Wednesdays 9:30am-12:15pm, Manning 214

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#TopicAssigned dateDue datePointsWeightAnswers
1.IR from a MySQL database08/20/200808/24/2008108%
2.Linking back-end IR to front-end interface08/27/200809/07/20081015%
3.Learning to index09/10/200809/14/2008108%
4.Retrieval models-109/17/200809/21/20081010%
5.Retrieval models-209/24/200809/28/200867%
6.User feedback and query reformulation10/01/200810/05/20081010%
9.User interface for search10/22/200810/26/200857%
10.Creating and using web services with REST10/29/200811/02/20081015%
11.Web crawling11/05/200811/09/20081015%
12.Information organization11/19/200811/23/20081010%

| Chirag Shah | Last update: December 19, 2008 |